The bellow words, come as a heartfelt wish of dissolving the boundaries of space and time, between ourselves, and those who we love, and cherish, in one moment of synchronous time, where distances do not exist. The love and gratitude of who we are, as we are, both the positive as much as the negative of our existence, would be the filling presence of this one moment in time.

Becoming conscious of the beingness that we are, instead of the doingness that we’ve become, is to establish a fair exchange between giving and take in our mind, where we experience the state of grace through repetition, on day to day basis, until it becomes a habitual field of existence. There is a saying, where two or more gather in My name (Thank you, I love you) whatever they ask for it is given.

Currently, I live in Romania where I teach. We started this moment of gratitude one year ago. It’s inspiring to see people, even a handful of them, hundreds, by now, calling each other daily, setting up their alarms clocks for 6 p.m. were in a moment’s presence, of Thank you, I love you for myself, those who s lives I touched and those who touched mine. I am one body, one heart, one soul. I know some of you will say “it’s a nice thought” but I can tell you, is not just a thought, is a moment where the whole universe resides as we are making up the universe with what we feel and act upon ourselves, and towards each other.

Wherever I would be, whenever I remember, consider gratitude, The breath of my life

– A’ime Cristie

One day at 6 o’clock I was teaching and one lady’s phone went off. As I said; please can you switch off the phone? she replied: do you know is 6 o’clock? That meant something to me. I realized that even if I forget to remember myself on this day somebody else will remember me in gratitude.

Please ask yourselves -What if we can interrupt the thinking patterns of the habitual fields that support our ungrateful nature, the voids that we’ve created in our life?

What if this ungrateful state originates and generates our illnesses, aging, and unfulfillment?What if these fields don’t exist without our observation, our attention, and consequent action of thinking upon the same problems?What if by not changing our angles of viewing, we cannot bring any lasting solutions for these problems?What if this one moment in time, can change the way I am viewing my problem, create and bring to the surface potential that I did not even know I had?What if this one moment’s presence, rekindles in my heart, the life spark that is the source that empowers my being?

What if, this source of my being, awakened day by day made conscious through my own intent, has the power of manifesting so much energy in emanation, which has the capacity of reducing my gravitation that also means my limitation?

What if our unbalanced selfish nature, gives rise to these fields, and by the conscious intent of all of us, who take part at this moment, we are counted as an amplified, magnified, potentiality which assists the heart of the community itself? What if this action will have a ripple effect in our families, in society’s mindset, as with our presence and increased resonance, we have the presence of transforming others?

What if through disciplining ourselves to this one moment a day, we will be able to counterbalance the actions, of religious extremists, which zealously and diligently pray for the advancement of their religion, and dissolution of anything that does not support their belief system? Please watch the movie radical Islam.

What if this one moment has the capacity of transforming the way we think about ourselves, about the intelligence that we are?What if we would be able to transform the education curriculum found in schools, into purposeful and meaningful exercise, the knowledge that would be expressing our magnificent self viewed from the perspective of a solar being, living in a galactic system, endorsed with a curriculum which would support our existence?What if our negligence and disengagement, is paid off with much suffering, a limited existence, and with families that are sustained by the collective ungratefulness that we co-create in our everyday existence?

What if our arrogance of judging those people that think outside the box, and actually have the capacity of bringing solutions for our everyday problems, leaves us with the feeling of abandonment, from a universal God striving for eternity for that which is already here (Thank you, I love you), the universal solvent that’s the philosopher stone of our existence. You will not find me in a church of stone but in a beating heart.

What if by disengaging in solving global problems, we actually sink lower, and lower in our unfulfillment, and those things that once fulfilled our needs, become worthless and meaningless, our life being paved and paid with these results. What if the challenges that we have both on a personal level, as much as on a collective global scale, become bigger and bigger, because of our ignorance and disinterest of doing something about it, the choices being made, and actions being taken by many of those people that couldn’t care less about the collective well being, them being the reflection of our disowned self.

What if again through our statements “Is not my problem, let him deal with it” we disengage from being active participants in choice makings, waiting for the right moment, and the right time that usually never comes, to do something about it?

What if through the above statement we leave people that are in top positions unsupported, them being responsible for carrying through choices, that sometimes are well beyond what they could handle, yet they have no choice because of the many that could not care less? Please view the former president of Central bank, James Wolfensohn, talking about the extreme problems that we are facing in the current economy –

What if we would give a helping hand in these people’s lives, whose grand vision and legacies touched, touch us to this moment, and assist us in having magnificent lives?What if instead of saying, is not my problem, or is foolish, or couldn’t be bothered, we would say “ok, let me see, it might be worthwhile trying”?What if there is no such person which has no resource that can be shared. When all of us, places at once our resources together, there is no what if left?